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[Nurse Tips] Ten new methods of venipuncture!(4)

December 15 , 2022

07#Painless injection puncture method

Most of the skin pain nerve fibers are distributed in the epidermis, and its pain receptors are distributed in a point shape. There are 25 contacts on the back of the hand, and 100 to 200 pain points, so the patient is very sensitive to pain during VP.
Studies have shown that the pain is the mildest when the vein is punctured near the ulnar side, and the pain is the most obvious when the vein is punctured near the radial side, which may be related to the distribution of nerves, skin relaxation and tension. The method of reducing the pain of needle insertion can also take advantage of the sharpness of the blade of the needle tip. When puncturing, the bevel is slightly to the left to reduce the cutting and tearing of the tissue by the needle tip, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing pain and tissue damage.

08# retrograde puncture

For patients with long-term infusion, poor blood vessel conditions, and difficult puncture, the peripheral blood vessels of the extremities can be fully utilized, and the retrograde puncture of the dorsal veins of the hands and feet can be used. The disadvantage of centripetal puncture is not easy to fix.
When using this method, the dorsal blood vessels of the hands and feet must be used instead of the small veins that return blood upwards from the fingers and toes. Therefore, there are no communicating branches, and retrograde puncture will cause blood stasis, which will make the puncture fail.

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